
Showing posts from November, 2017

Emerson's Essay

   Emerson's title was On Self-Reliance  and the thesis was frowning on imitation. The title and thesis are very similar. On Self-Reliance means to rely on yourself to seek for knowledge within you. "We lie in the lap of immense intelligence." This quote would agree with his title because you're surrounded by knowledge that you yourself can seek for and not seek anyone else for that knowledge. The thesis frowning on imitation means to be yourself and don' try to portray someone else who isn't you. "To be yourself in  a world that is constanty trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." This quote supports the thesis because it talks about how being yourself is the greatest accomplishment. Emerson's tone is very bold. Emerson's diction is well put together. The choice of words he uses are words you might have not heard of or know the meaning. His syntax is put in this way that you really have to read it over more than 1