
Showing posts from May, 2018

Fahrenheit 451 Essay

     In my eyes, Fahrenheit 451  has a lot to offer to readers in 2018. At first, I didn't think to much of the book. It would be a book where the title Fahrenheit 451  wouldn't grab my attetion, but then again don't judge a book by its cover. It's pretty crazy that this book was written in the 50's because it has situations that are now an every day life in 2018.      The role of technology in society now is huge just as it is in the book. Everywhere you go you see it. People basically carry all the information in the world in their pocket. For example, in the book people are addicted to their t.v. shows such as Mildred. It became a part of Mildred to be attached to the parlor walls. Technology nowadays is basically a part of one's daily routine. Schools are transforming from using textbooks to using tablets that carry all the information you need. Now you can turn in assignments online instead of paper just as this essay is getting turned in online.      M